Our Events

Parent Seminar
KACS provided parent seminars in partnership with the Asian Law Alliance. The seminar provided a variety of information, such as an overall understanding of the American school education system, a healthy and safe school life for children, and the role of parents in forming positive relationships between parents and children.
October 27th, 2022
Parent Seminar 2022

Domestic Violence Prevention Seminar
In commemoration of October Domestic Violence Awareness Month, we are holding an online workshop on October 18 to prevent domestic violence and establish a healthy family culture in the immigrant society.
October 18th, 2022
Domestic Violence Prevention Seminar 2022

Lung Screening Event
KACS resumed the free lung examination service, which had been provided every year before Covid-19, after two years. Breathe California was an event to check the health of seniors through lung capacity and blood pressure tests.
September 21th, 2022
Lung Screening Event 2022
Be A Sponsor
KACS exists today only through the support of government funding, private foundations, and individual philanthropists. We are ever so grateful to our supporters who have helped KACS remain dedicated toward providing for the unmet needs of the Korean-American community...
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